Archive for the ‘Politics Suck’ Category

San Diego Educational System Changing

san-diego-education From what I’ve read already, this is going to be a good change and will hopefully increase the quality of education our young San Diegans get.

Via EMILY ALPERT at Voice of San Diego:

Education Week takes a big picture look at how the new reform plans in San Diego Unified differ from the controversial changes under former Superintendent Alan Bersin — and how those reforms fared in a recent study.

The weekly takes San Diego as an example to be learned from for reformers across the country. Here’s a quote from one expert it used in the story:

"One way to read the San Diego experience is, reforms that don’t have a local constituency and are not supported by local advocates and efforts are not likely to stick," said Frederick M. Hess, the director of education policy studies for the American Enterprise Institute think tank. "In many ways, Bersin was a test case for how much you can force a school district to change. That’s just an enormous cautionary note when we hear [U.S. Secretary of Education Arne] Duncan talk about how we’re going to drive reform and what these superintendents are going to be able to accomplish."

Want more? Here’s our latest piece on the new reforms and what they could mean for schools. And don’t forget our blog post on a new study of the Bersin reforms.

Floatopia in San Diego Might Be Killed!

san diego floatopia drinking ban This agression will not stand! Hell no! I can’t believe they are possibly going to ban offshore drinking and effectively kill the wonderful gathering of drunks known as Floatopia! Well… actually I can. The city council is full of idiots.

Via Associated Press:

San Diego’s City Council may let the air out of so-called "floatopia" parties where people booze it up on inner tubes offshore.

The council meets this afternoon to consider closing a loophole in the city’s ban on the beach use of alcohol.

Officials say people have been skirting the law by gathering by the thousands to party in Mission Bay on surfboards, inner tubes and other flotation devices.

Authorities say partygoers have left trash in the water and lifeguards have had to make dozens of rescuers.

The City Council will consider banning alcohol use offshore except for people on boats.

Port of San Diego Fires Corrput Lobbyist

port-of-san-diego It’s good to see the local government actually taking action against these crooked employees.

Via Tony Barboza at The Los Angeles Times:

The head of the port agency said Susan McCabe, who was trying to secure the vote of Coastal Commission members for a development project on the city’s waterfront, is being replaced.

A lobbyist who boasted in e-mails about "spoon feeding" a California coastal commissioner while attempting to secure his vote on a controversial project has been fired by the Port of San Diego.

In a letter to Coastal Commission members Friday, Robert "Dukie" Valderrama, chairman of the Board of Port Commissioners, wrote that he was "appalled" by what the port’s hired lobbyist, Susan McCabe, said in her e-mails. He said she was no longer under contract and was being replaced.

"In her zeal to be a winning advocate, she acted in poor taste, something that the Port of San Diego does not condone," Valderrama wrote. "For that, we are deeply sorry."

The apology was made after The Times reported on e-mails between McCabe and port officials detailing efforts to convince Commissioner Patrick Kruer to vote in favor of the multimillion-dollar project to revamp the downtown San Diego waterfront, a proposal ultimately rejected by the divided panel.

Be sure to read the rest of the article.

Free Lunch Program in San Diego is Thriving

san diego free lunch I’m sure conservatives aren’t too happy about this, but those of us who actually care about children love it! Yes… spending tax payer money on giving free lunches to children is a damn good use of our money.


The number of California children getting free summer lunches through a federal program from the Department of Agriculture has dropped in recent years. San Diego, however, is bucking that trend.

Last year the San Diego Unified School District’s free summer lunch program served 250,000 meals. That’s up from 17,000 when the program started in 2004.

Last week the school district and parks department started serving free lunch at more than 30 schools and parks. Between now and August 27th, lunch will be served Monday through Friday to any child 2 to 18 years old at more than 50 locations.

More than 77,000 San Diego public school students qualify for free or reduced price lunch during the school year. The summer lunch program is funded by the U.S. Department of Agriculture and is aimed at making sure kids that rely on those meals during the school year can still get a nutritious lunch over the summer.

According to Joanne Tucker, who runs the summer lunch program for the school district, participation has often dropped in areas where school districts have reduced summer school programs or cut them all together.

She attributes San Diego’s success to the school district’s partnerships with the parks department and other organizations.

“We have similar goals and we all are working together toward the same thing and that’s offering good, nutritious, healthy food to these kids when it’s not available at their schools,” she said.

Twenty-three of the more than 50 lunch locations are in city parks. Last year each park hosted a barbecue where parents could eat with their kids for $2 per adult. The barbecues were so popular that this summer each park is adding a Mexican fiesta day.

Marilyn Stern runs these Summer Fun Cafés for the Parks and Recreation Department.

“We’re trying to send two messages very loud and clear – nutrition, healthy eating and physical activity. So, at each of the special events we’re offering games like limbo, obstacle courses,” she said.

On special event days families can also take home free produce donated by the San Diego Food Bank and Feed America San Diego.

Information about lunch times and locations are posted on the school district and parks department websites.

San Diego School Board Attacks Arizona Law

12455875_BG1 Good for them! We need more people in positions of power to attack the racist SB1070!

Via CBS 8:

The San Diego unified school board appears to be the latest organization taking on Arizona’s illegal immigration law.

Not only is the board getting ready to make an official response, but also plans to issue a warning to students and parents.

Board members are expected to vote on a resolution tomorrow, condemning the law and demanding it be repealed.

It warns families to avoid traveling to Arizona because of a "risk they may face in being subjected to unlawful scrutiny."

Despite being blasted by critics, board members are expected to pass the resolution.

San Diego’s city council passed a similar resolution condemning Arizona’s law last week.

SDCC Considers Resolution Denouncing Racist SB1070

sb1070 racist immigration bill

Arizona is Racist

Please please please do it!!!

Via San Diego News Network:

The San Diego City Council Monday will consider a resolution denouncing an Arizona law that requires police to determine if detainees are in the country legally.

The resolution was requested by Council President Ben Hueso.

“This law will inevitably lead to racial profiling, in violation of the United States Constitution,” Hueso wrote in a memo to his council colleagues.

Similar resolutions are being considered in Los Angeles and San Francisco.

The Arizona law makes it state crime to be in the United States illegally.

LA Immigration March Was A Huge Success

immigration march in san diego

Sí se puede!!!

Work wouldn’t let me have the day off, but I really wanted to go! I’m so glad that so many people showed up to support those who don’t have a voice. Yay!

Via KFMB Channel 8:

Tens of thousands of demonstrators galvanized by opposition to Arizona’s tough law marched through the streets of downtown Los Angeles to demand an overhaul of immigration laws, some holding signs calling for a boycott of the Grand Canyon State.

Singer Gloria Estefan kicked off the march by climbing on a flatbed truck to say that illegal immigrants should not be considered criminals. She said the United States was a nation of immigrants.

“We’re honest people, we’re good people,” the Cuban-born singer said. “We’ve given a lot to this country. This country has given a lot to us.”

Cardinal Roger Mahony stood on the truck and joined the crowd in chanting, “Si, se puede,” or “Yes, we can,” in Spanish. Streets and sidewalks were packed with tens of thousands of people as horns blared.

The march ended nearly five hours later after a steady stream of politicians and labor leaders stepped on stage on a perfect spring afternoon to denounce the Arizona law and insist that President Barack Obama tackle immigration reform.

“We say no to Arizona, no to racism, no to hate,” said Janice Hahn, a Los Angeles city councilwoman and Democratic candidate for California lieutenant governor.

Police officials estimated about 50,000 demonstrators took to the streets at the rally’s peak in the early afternoon.

To read more, click here.

Sí se puede!!! Sí se puede!!! Sí se puede!!! Sí se puede!!!

San Diego Rally Against the Arizona Immigration Law

You suck!

How did I miss this?? I’ll have to go to the next one. There was this protest against racist Arizona and I had the day off. I really need to monitor Twitter more. Bah.

Via Examiner Phoenix:

About 40 people gathered at a rally in downtown San Diego voicing their dissenting view on the tough new Arizona illegal immigration issue signed into law on Friday.

Police on the scene commented that there were more media trucks and law enforcement at the “Boycott Arizona” evening rally than actual rally supporters. One of the officers on duty said, “Media must have been hoping there would be a large number of protesters like we had during the 2006 failed amnesty push.”

Approximately seven media trucks, seven police cars and SUVs, two fire trucks and one ambulance lined the street in front on the federal building along Front Street. There were no reports of any arrests and protesters were able to get their message out with only one counter-protester on the sidelines.

Rally attendees listened to speakers in English and Spanish talk about how racist Arizona’s new law is and the need to show support for the immigrant population throughout the country.

Many signs and Mexican flags sprinkled the crowd and the lone American flag captured the attention of passerby’s as there were many more Mexican flags waving in the air. Folks leaving the building after a long day at work didn’t appreciate the blatant disrespect for the American flag. “Why not support Americans?” asked John Leary of San Diego.

As far as the supporters point of view the rally was a chance to support the Latinos in the country, legally or illegally.

“I support Hispanic immigrants around the country and in Arizona. Because laws in other states affect us we need to make sure illegal immigrants liberties are not violated. I believe this new law infringes on the 4th Amendment and will lead to racial profiling,” said Leo Carrillo of San Diego. “This isn’t my first rally I have been to before and it’s important to let people know I support them.”

While there was only one counter-protester on the sidewalk, many people in cars driving by shouted “No amnesty, go home,” and there were cars that simply honked in support of illegal immigrants.

One thing is clear – this debate is not over.

I will never go to Arizona. Ever.

The Arizona Illegal Immigration Bill is Bullshit!

Fuck you, Arizona!

Hey illegal immigrants… ditch that racist Arizona shithole and come chill in tolerant and respectful San Diego! We’re living in the present… not 50 years ago.


Gov. Jan Brewer ignored criticism from President Barack Obama on Friday and signed into law a bill supporters said would take handcuffs off police in dealing with illegal immigration in Arizona, the nation’s gateway for human and drug smuggling.

With hundreds of protesters outside the state Capitol shouting that the bill would lead to civil rights abuses, Brewer said critics were “overreacting” and that she wouldn’t tolerate racial profiling.

“We in Arizona have been more than patient waiting for Washington to act,” Brewer said after signing the law. “But decades of inaction and misguided policy have created a dangerous and unacceptable situation.”

Earlier Friday, Obama called the Arizona bill “misguided” and instructed the Justice Department to examine it to see if it’s legal. He also said the federal government must enact immigration reform at the national level – or leave the door open to “irresponsibility by others.”

“That includes, for example, the recent efforts in Arizona, which threaten to undermine basic notions of fairness that we cherish as Americans, as well as the trust between police and their communities that is so crucial to keeping us safe,” Obama said.

The legislation, sent to the Republican governor by the GOP-led Legislature, makes it a crime under state law to be in the country illegally. It also requires local police officers to question people about their immigration status if there is reason to suspect they are illegal immigrants, allows lawsuits against government agencies that hinder enforcement of immigration laws, and make it illegal to hire illegal immigrants for day labor or knowingly transport them.

The Mexican American Legal Defense and Education Fund said it plans a legal challenge to the law, arguing it “launches Arizona into a spiral of pervasive fear, community distrust, increased crime and costly litigation, with nationwide repercussions.”

Brewer ordered the state’s law enforcement licensing agency to develop a training course on how to implement the law while respecting civil rights.

The bill will take effect in late July or early August.

Read the rest of this excellent article here.

So yeah… San Diego rocks and Arizona sucks. Bam.

No Tour of California Bike Race for San Diego

NOT in San Diego.

NOT in San Diego.

This sucks. I actually went to this last year. Oh well. Good job, San Diego… you have finally pissed me off with your bureaucracy.

Via 10 News:

San Diego will not be a part of next year’s Tour of California cycling race, 10News reported.

The race drew thousands of spectators to Rancho Bernardo and Escondido last year, in large part due to the presence of cyclist Lance Armstrong.

However, tour organizers said it was too difficult to obtain the permits and services necessary to operate in the area.

The city of Escondido would have had to pay $200,000 to host the race, but the cost would have been offset by tourism spending.